How to Make a Vision Board to Achieve Your Goals

All the goals in our lives are in our minds. When the mind forgets goals, we may forget that we need to work towards goals!

Bimsara Jinith
5 min readJun 21, 2021
goals you expected to achieve
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Do you remember, What are the goals you expected to achieve within this year? Can you recall those goals within 10 seconds? When asked this way, many people start thinking, “What are the goals I have set for myself this year?”

All the goals in our lives are in our minds. When the mind forgets goals, we may forget that we need to work towards goals, You may even forget what to do.

If you look at how many goals you have achieved in your life, you will see that those achieved goals have always remained in your mind. You will find that you have achieved, what you always thought, “I have to achieve these goals.”

Most people write their goal in capital letters and paste it on the wall and then they say “that trick does not work for me”. Think about it, what do you remember best, most of what you saw as words or what you saw as images?

Normally our mind works the most, even our brain recognizes and responds the most to what we see in images. That’s why the images on advertising banners you see on the highway are easy to remember Because images are what the human brain easily stores. That’s why marketing uses visual media to attract people.

So let’s talk about creating a vision board that helps us remember our goals over and over again, reawakening our memory by using images or visual media.

One would think that creating a vision board is pointless, just a waste of time. But the truth is, the more you remember the goals, the more you are reminded to work towards the goals. The more you forget the goals, the more you forget that you have to work to achieve the goals.

To achieve goals, you need to keep your goals firmly in your mind. Remembering goals often means that you automatically remember how you should work.

keep your goals firmly in your mind
Image by Hier und jetzt endet leider meine Reise auf Pixabay aber from Pixabay

Seeing your goals over and over again in your mind means that your love, interest, and desire for it will increase. It gives you the energy to achieve your goals. This is what the law of attraction tells us.

Steps to help you get started creating a Vision Board

1. First, you need to provide A4, sheets.

Your first step should be to adjust exactly what should be on your vision board. When thinking about what kind of goals you want to put on your dream board, think about the achievable ones. You may have goals that you feel ready to take on, whether professional or personal. Be prepared to write them on your board.

2. You need to include the following in your A4 sheet.

Now make a list of areas of your life that are important to you. These can be family, relationships, graduation, hobbies, fitness, well-being, finances.

  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What kind of future do you want.
  • What you expect from the world.
  • What the world around you should be like
  • What kind of material comforts do you want?
  • What would you like to accomplish in the next year, three years?

What you are doing here is planning the future so take the time well.

entered information to your vision board
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

3. Bring this entered information to your Vision Board.

You need to bring this entered information to your vision board. In this work, you need to provide magazines. Because a magazine has very beautiful, shiny photos. This is extremely important to draw your attention to your vision board. We need to find photos from these magazines that are relevant to what we have written. Here you have to choose the photos that you like and that captivate your mind. Here you have to feel as soon as you see the picture “This is the life I wanted.” Such a picture gives your mind amazing strength to go towards your goals.

Another important thing is motivational words. These words should read what the future should look like.
For example — Strong, Powerful, Financially Free, This is my Life, Love, Healthy Life, Rich Life.

To suit you, A list of words like this, you need to get into a sheet. Those words should be added to the appropriate places on the vision board. Remember, don’t add these words to the vision board in a way that makes it unclear. Here you have to enter into this vision board information about how you want to live life, what you expect, your feelings, where you want to travel, and everything in your life.

4. Display your Vision Board

Now you know the importance of a vision board and how to make it. The next thing we need to do is make the most of this vision board. To do that, you need to keep your vision board clearly and always in sight. Also, be sure to check the vision board once or twice a day. It is not enough to just look, you have to visualize the future, just like you have on your vision board.

I recommend spending time with your dashboard every morning and evening. During that time, visualize, believe, and internalize your goals. If you look at this vision board every morning, you can start the day with the thought ‘Something needs to be done today to achieve those goals.

This is how you train your mind to reach your goal. It helps you remember your goals over and over again and go on a strong journey. No matter how difficult the goal, you can easily reach your growth and success if you do it this way.

I would like to tell you, make a new inspired board every year. As you continue to grow and expand, so will your dreams. Start living the life you want right now. Then the energy you need to reach those goals will be generated in you. Then your mind will guide you towards it.

continue to grow and expand goals and life
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay



Bimsara Jinith

Motivational writer to help you become a better and more effective person to build your own successful life.